Tuesday 8 January 2013

Deep Creek

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language” – Henry James 

I came across this quote whilst reading on a lazy afternoon.....

This year we were looking for a getaway experience for New Years Eve. I had already explored ideas of hiking and staying in a Forestry SA hut, but found out they are closed during the fire-ban season. After Xmas, Jack suggested overnight camping in Deep Creek Conservation Park – great idea! 
One of my favourite hiking spots, we had stayed at Goondooloo Cottage previously and I had also stayed at Glenburn Cottage, but had never camped. Not having enough lightweight gear or proper pannier storage for the motorbike, (we can leave that adventure until next time!), we chose car camping. The park has 5 campgrounds, 4 with vehicle access, Eagle Waterhole on the Heysen Trail being the only hike-in site.

Leaving home on New Year’s Eve with a compulsory bakery stop at Yankalilla, we arrived at the Park just after 11am. We were keen to camp at Cobbler Hill due to its accessibility to Blowhole Beach and Cobbler Hill Lookout. It was also the smallest, with only 10 sites available. The campground is surrounded by scrub, mainly pink gum eucalypts and xanthorrhoea. It has toilets and rainwater tanks. (Treat before use). It is first come, first served at the campgrounds, not being able to pre-book sites even in peak holiday periods. We were surprised to find only 3 other groups already there, so were thrilled with our good fortune. We set up camp and were sitting down to a celebratory bevvie by 1215. 

The temptation of a swim was too good to refuse, so we drove down to Cobbler Hill lookout. From there is a 3km 4WD track to Blowhole Beach. Jack decided that he and the Subaru were up to the challenge of negotiating the steep track and the car slowly crawled down the track in first gear, safely avoiding most of the bumpy hazards with just a couple of audible scrapes for the undercarriage. There were several groups of people enjoying the beach – body boarding, picnicking and rock fishing. A stiff on-shore breeze stopped us being lured in to the crystal clear cerulean water.



There are several short but hard hikes in that area of the Park – the Blowhole Beach hike and the Blowhole Beach – Cobbler Hill - Marrano Creek circuit. No hiking this time - we decided to return to camp and spent a lazy afternoon reading and relaxing. It was also a time for reflecting on the year that was and looking forward with anticipation to another year ahead...
2012 - A hiking fest!
  • Peak bagging the three highest summits in NSW, ACT and Vic
  • Trekking the Larapinta Trail
  • Continuing my second traverse of the Heysen Trail with End-End 5
  • Stealth camping and ridge top walking on the eastern rim peaks of Wilpena Pound
  • Climbing the iconic Patawarta Hill
  • Accompanying friends over the finish line to complete their Heysen Trail experience in the mid-north and the Flinders Ranges

2013 - A long-awaited trip to Machu Picchu!

There was a visit from the Rangers checking on fee payments and to remind campers that sparklers were banned from celebrations later that evening. After a curry dinner, we walked up to the lookout to enjoy the last sunset of 2012 and shared it with a mob of Western Grey Kangaroos foraging on the grasslands.

The campground had filled up during the afternoon mainly with Gen Y campers, who partied on through the night till the wee small hours and festively welcomed in the New Year. My final images of 2012 were of a night sky, full of stars - spying Venus, the Seven Sisters and several satellites

Our New Year’s Resolution? - overnight camp at all campgrounds in Deep Creek in 2013...
1 down – 4 to go!


  1. Nice camping spot! I like your sunset photos. Trig campground is good because there are hikes in either direction, but only Cobbler has beach access. Eagle Waterhole despite it's greatness, I've never yet camped at.

  2. 1. You sure you haven't done this blogging stuff before.
    2. That is a great New Years resolution.

    .....thanks for sharing
