Sunday 11 May 2014

Fox on the Run!

Looking forward to another day on the glacier - today we had booked onto a 6 hour hike ....and the weather looked fabulous as the morning dawned.
We arrived at the office to find that we had accidentally booked onto the walk a month earlier than we planned. The office, to their credit, did their best to try and accommodate us, but all trips were fully booked except the2 hour terminal face glacier hike that afternoon.
We accepted that booking and thought that exploring the glacier from the terminal face would be an alternative perspective.
So........we joined a busload of 35 others for the 2 hour hike.
It was an interesting 45 minute walk up the valley to the terminal face, looking at how far the glacier has advanced and retreated over the past 30 years, with global warming and El Nino /La Nina weather patterns providing topical discussion and debate for the reasons for and against.
Again we chose the better of the two guides on offer today, a French-Canadian girl who took the time to take photos for all of the group.
We spent a total of 2 hours on the glacier but much of this was spent waiting for people to have photos taken or regrouping with several very slow participants. It was a little disappointing, but still leaves us with another opportunity to return another time with some unfinished business.....


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