Wednesday 30 August 2017

Of highlands and heartlines - Post Script

So how was your hike?

How do you measure physical challenge?

How do you measure an experience?
How do you measure learning?
How do you measure emotional response?
How do you measure love?

The trail was tough.

The trail was difficult, harder than any other trail I have walked before.
The physical challenge was tough.

The physical challenge provoked strong emotional responses.

Hiking always amplifies my thoughts.
I wandered and I pondered.
There were times of meditation, of stillness, of being in the moment
And there were times of sorrow, grief and suffering.
I owned the pain and touched the void.

The hike didn't "fix" me.

The struggle is real, and continues to this day.
Life is a playing field, where I am coming to terms with boundary lines which are blurred and goal posts which have been moved.

Where am I going?

My internal compass is spinning, out of control.
I don't know which direction I am meant to be heading.
The path ahead is unknown.

So if you are tempted to ask me, how are you, are you OK?

I will just smile and say "fine" because the truth is just too painful to describe in words

To my base camp - thank you for your love and support and keeping me afloat

And my final words for now will be .....courage, endurance and love

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