Tuesday 28 May 2013

Arequipa - let the altitude training begin!

Woke at 5am for a 5.30 pick- up to the airport
Dozed on the plane and then woke just before the descent to look out the window to a magnificent vista of desert mountains and deep canyons with innumerable dry rios. 
Breathtaking view from above
Arequipa (2,380m) is the second largest city in Peru. Located in a beautiful valley at the foot of three snow-capped peaks including "El-Misti" Volcano, it is also known as the White City because it is constructed largely from white volcanic material/rock.
Population of 850,000. Nowhere near as chaotic as Lima. Has a nice relaxed feel to it. 
Afternoon was spent exploring the Santa Catalina Convent, which is really a city within a city. Founded in 1579, less than 40 years after the Spanish arrived in Arequipa, there is a mixture of colonial Spanish and native architectural styles and has been restored several times after sustaining earthquake damage. We had a very informative guide who gave a detailed description of convent life for the nuns. There are still 24 nuns that live at the convent ages ranging from 18 - 100. Stunning views from the rooftops and an impressive collection of paintings in the gallery and the cloistered courtyards, most from local artists, but some from the Cuzco School of Art. Superb example of preservation of cultural heritage.

On the Gringo Trail Amigos!

Another Happy Hour with Pisco sours and Mojitos for me, slightly tipsy!
Then headed to one of Arequipa's best restaurants Chicha's for dinner. Jack had an alpaca hamburger! and Simon had one of Arequipa's specialty dishes - Roccoto Relleno (hot and spicy stuffed peppers).
Altitude noticeable when climbing stairs with some breathlessness and heart pounding, but no other untoward effects as yet. Need to adjust and slow down to about half normal walking pace to compensate.
Only downside for the day - lost my mobile phone somewhere in Lima Airport during check-in, our tour guide is on the look out for it - not very hopeful of recovering it though. Boohoo!

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