Tuesday 14 July 2015

The Path Less Travelled - Shaggy Ridge - Aginau - Onge - Lae

Day 9: Aginau Village to Lae

We greet the dawn, pack up camp and are walking by 7am!

I hike back to Onge filled with mixed emotions and I reflect on a myriad of vivid flashbacks...

Leeches, fireflies, saturated hiking boots, sticky sweaty bodies, pure pristine mountain streams, moss dangling from dense jungle, wading through cascading creeks, birdcalls echoing under rainforest canopy, highland vistas, the pitter-patter of big, fat tropical raindrops falling on the tent roof,
a razorback ridge top to die for!

We reach Onge by mid-morning and bid farewell to our porters and carriers.
Heading along the Highlands Highway back to Lae, I have my last "press my nose against the glass" moments as I watch the Finisterre Ranges fade into the distance.
We arrive in Lae mid afternoon, and the prospect of a hot shower is too good to refuse....but first, the gong for Best Shaggy Beard must be awarded. I took my judging duties very seriously and after much deliberation, the honour was bestowed upon Tim.

I may have scrubbed away a week's worth of dirt, sweat and grime, but the memories will last a lifetime.
"You'll never forget Shaggy Ridge" - S H O'Leary

We celebrate over dinner for the last time together, some heading home, some to Madang - that's where I'm heading for a bit of r&r PNG style!

Post Script:
I followed my heart and fulfilled a massive personal challenge with a great sense of achievement. Shaggy Ridge was an amazing adventure and a journey of self-discovery on the path less travelled.

Note to self: "Take a walk on the wild side"

But wait, there's more.....
Thanks to my fellow trekkers for providing the photos - Julian Monfries, Simon Cameron, Peter Cooper and Katie Sarah.
Thanks also to the trek leaders and guides - Zac Zaharias and Reg Yates for a fantastic trip.
And more photos, thanks Zac!
I would highly recommend Peak Learning Adventures - check out their website at

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