Tuesday 23 September 2014

Mt Zeil

A hard day hiking up NT's highest peak

First and foremost, big thanks to Jez for his track and trail notes and inspiration.
Check out his amazing blog at http://jez-hiking.blogspot.com.au/search/label/State%208

This story will be told via photo images and the accompanying captions......

Half the fun is getting there.....take the Tanami Road north from Alice Springs.
Turn left at Gary Junction Road and head towards Papunya
Turn left at the Glen Helen Station turnoff, then follow the mud map......

so easy,
except for the indistinct track
 and the overgrown track
 and the track obscured by fallen trees.......

.....until finally we reached our destination.
The Yellow Bucket!

Let's try and camp as close as we can to the base of the mountain.
So we follow the Yellow Bucket track to the creek bed.....
This looks like a good spot.
Time to put up the brand new Tarptent.
Oops, who didn't pack the tent pegs......
Sunset lights up the ranges, with moon rise on the horizon.
That's where we're heading tomorrow!
Campfire in the creek bed - chilli con carne for dinner 
Leaving camp on Summit day - 8am

And the only way is up!
Wait for me lads!

Looking back towards camp

Still climbing...

And up onto the plateau.....

Hang on, I thought a plateau was flat!
Mt Zeil on the horizon - so close and yet so far!

Rocks and spinifex - thank heavens for Scarpas and gaiters.
Do they only make gaiters for legs?
Are there gaiters for buttocks?
Does anyone have some spare spinifex tongs?
Morning tea break.
Mt Zeil in the distance on the left.
Mt Sonder is on the distant horizon - right of centre
That's long enough - let's get moving!

So let me get this straight - you have to go down first to go up?
The first of many... I think you call them....undulations!

Shea and I sharing the Tail End Charlie duties.
Make a note of that tree lads,
 that's a trail marker to help us navigate the way back down

Up, up and more up!
My energy levels are waning, nearly running on empty!
Not far from here, I stop and throw my walking poles down.
I cannot go on any further.....
Its 1230 - Decision time .....
still 25 mins from the summit.....
Abandon and turn back or
accept the risk of getting back after dark and push on to the top?
I haven't come this far to turn back now...
Let's finish this!
We have a quick lunch and push on...

Relieved, exhilarated, weary!
Who dares, wins!

Five hours up! And a 1500m climb!

Kissing the "Blarney Stone"!
The summit shot!

And another!

And the log book entry - it's official now! Mission accomplished!
Looking back on past entries, only 3-4 groups summit each year.
Most with the goal to complete the State 8 - the highest peaks in each state and territory.
And yes, each group took a similar route to ours, taking about 5 hours for the ascent.
So we were right on target...

The Three Musketeers!

Mt Zeil summit - views to the east

Mt Zeil summit - view to the west

And now for the descent, retracing our steps.
Follow that ridge line!
The plan - a steady pace and maintain concentration!
Walk for 45 minutes - 10 minute snack and drink stop
Goal - to be off the mountain by dark!

Desert mountains bathed in afternoon sunshine
Halfway down - sticking to the plan!
We made it back to camp after sundown but still in twilight at 6pm.

A 10 hour off-trail hike. One of the hardest hikes I have done. Another one of the State 8 ticked off - 5 done - 3 to go!
A sense of achievement? - Yes! But did I enjoy it? Not really. I struggled mentally and physically. Not that I was unfit, maybe a little underprepared. Sometimes you have to take stock and count the cost. So the lessons to be learned:
Carry a little more water and food and snack more often. 
Hike was underestimated in terms of time and effort.
Carry an emergency beacon for remote hikes. We were very fortunate that nobody injured themselves.
Making memories is fun! This hike was one for the ages and it was fantastic to share the experience with friends.
Another Saturday Special Simon! Thanks for navigating!
Only the four of us will ever know what it was really like - thank you team - Jack, Simon and Shea!
My favourite photo of the day....and yes, I still love desert mountains!

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