Saturday 13 September 2014

Torrent Bay

Favourable tide conditions this morning to take advantage of kayaking in the estuary up the Falls River. We spent an hour or so on the water which was our first time kayaking. Fun way of exploring the river.

We were in for a special treat for lunch. Craig Wilson, the owner of the company had organised a special seafood luncheon for a charter group of French tourists. The chefs had prepared a feast, and you could almost hear the dining table groaning over the weight of the platters of seafood - a bountiful spread with fine wines to accompany the food. It was absolutely superb!
The afternoon optional activity was a walk across the now-drained estuary over to the golden expanse of Anchorage beach and picturesque Te Pukatea Cove. We enjoyed a leisurely walk in beautiful sunshine. We met another Wilson's guide at Te Pukatea Cove who was escorting a couple kayaking to Torrent Bay, so we would have extra company that night.

After we returned we had a brief swim at Torrent Bay. It took awhile to submerge ourselves as the tide was out and took at least 10 mins to get out to waist height water!. Still nice to enjoy this superb coast!
Dinner was another culinary delight. The kayaking couple were also from Adelaide and brought news from home including the state election results. We whiled away the evening with a game of Scrabble, with yours truly winning!

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