Saturday 13 September 2014

Torrent Bay to Marahau

Due to the morning high tides, we had to walk the extra 5 kms up and around the estuary, making it a 15km hike to finish the trail.
This is the easiest section of the coastal track with panoramic views across Tasman Bay to Nelson. Along the way we again passed pristine bays and beaches all covered with the trademark golden sand.
Around midday we stopped for lunch at a sheltered beach with views of some of the numerous small islands dotted along the coast.
It was here that I shared the story the walking stick that I had been carrying with me from the start of the trail, remembering Warren Bonython and his legacy, the Heysen Trail. Grateful for friends sharing their love of hiking with me, bringing me to this place, to enjoy and savour the great outdoors!

It was a gradual descent down into Marahau and after crossing the estuary on an elevated boardwalk, we reached the end of the trail. I left the walking stick behind the official Abel Tasman Coastal Walk sign, hoping that it will be put to good use by another hiker.

Our driver collected us from the appointed pickup zone at the appointed hour of 2pm. Stopped off at the office to gather our belongings and then delivered to our accommodation in Nelson.
Took advantage of the spa bath at the hotel and enjoyed a pub meal for dinner.
Enjoyed the Abel Tasman Coastal Track - a little decadent doing the guided walk, but nice to sample the best of NZ South Island hospitality.

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