Saturday 14 September 2013

Lares Valley - Day 3

I woke this morning not feeling 100% again. Nausea mainly. After yesterday's efforts I probably had done my dash.
After packing up camp and a small breakfast, we were collected by our support vehicle for a short drive down the valley to commence our morning´s hike.
There had been more rain overnight and most of the mountains were shrouded in low cloud again
It was a 40 min drive from Patacancha to Pallata. There we left the entourage who were continuing down the valley to meet us at our lunch spot.
Carlos and his assistant accompanied us on this hike up to Pumamarca ruins.
The path followed some Inca water channels which were full of water coming straight down off the mountain they call Veronica. The hike up only took 1 hour.
Punamarca, or Puma town as it is translated was not a town as such, but a large food storage facility for the Inca people. They consrtucted huge buildings to store their crops. We wandered around the site for about 30 mins.

Where we've come from - valley looking towards Patacancha
Where we're going - looking north from Punamarca
On the ascent to Punamarca - Pallata in background

Puma Town

Carlos - our wonderful trek guide

More Inca terracing
Down the valley track
We then headed off down the valley towards Ollanta for our last meal on the trek. The hike down was a gradual descent and took about 2 hours. As we travelled down the valley we could see the Ollanta ruins come into sight as well as other familiar landmarks.
Lunch was once again another culinary delight from the chef.
We then said our goodbyes to the team after they dropped us back to the hotel, grateful that they had taken very good care of us over the past 3 days.
The Entourage - minus Carlos (behind the lens)

We were both feeling exhausted. Jack had his shower and then while I took a bath, he went into town to get some laundry done and get some more anti emetic medication for the car trip back to Cuzco the next day.  I started to feel nauseated, and then the diarrhoea started, again. No dinner that night, and I went through my 24 hour allocation of Lomotil in less than 16 hours. I was feeling totally washed out and wondering whether I should just come home. Very frustrated at how sick I have been this trip.
It really was a case of the good, the bad and the very ugly!

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