Saturday 14 September 2013

recovery mode

Quiet day - starting to feel a little better today. 
Had a drink at a pub just across the road from the hotel called the "Norton Rats" named after the motorcycle brand. Walls adorned with memorabilia. Jack spied a couple of stickers advertising motorcycle tour companies based in Peru. He copied their details down and then surfed the net looking at their tours. He contacted one of them via hotel staff and a company representative visited us at the hotel to explain the local tours on offer around Cuzco. Jack booked one for tomorrow and the next day. We had originally planned to visit the Pisac ruins, but decided to do the motorbike rides instead.

Jack enjoying a bourbon at The Norton Rats Pub - our hotel in background

Artesenias market in Cuzco

We spent a couple of hours during the afternoon visiting a museum just around the corner from the hotel which had a collection of pieces from Bingham's Machu Picchu expedition of 1912. Very interesting. 
Dinner at restaurant near hotel. Shared an alpaca pizza.

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