Saturday 14 September 2013


Jack not feeling well this morning, so mooched around until after lunch time.
Ventured out for an afternoon walk. Valparaiso is famous for its brightly painted buildings and its street art. A few sights along the way including the Pantheon, an old cemetery, and some street art around Bellavista Hill. Not overly impressed by the sights and as the day was overcast and dreary, that probably didn't help. It is amazing how the weather can make you look at things differently.
I would describe Valparaiso as like on old Hollywood movie starlet - great in her primetime, but now has lost her lustre!


Cards with the Camerons and then dinner. I had trout served on a bed of risotto - delicious! Can't complain about the food here in Chile or Peru.... have hardly had a bad one, and all very reasonably priced!

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