Monday 16 September 2013

Peru - Postscript

The anticipation of this trip had been almost overwhelming.
This was my first serious overseas trip with Machu Picchu being my #1 dream destination. 
It was a bittersweet experience.
The joy and exhilaration of visiting Machu Picchu  - not only lived up to expectations but surpassed them!
The Sacred Valley, Lares Valley, Cuzco and The Colca Canyon were also spectacular destinations
Being able to cruise Lake Titicaca by boat, motorcycle around Cuzco, dance on the Orient Express train and white water raft on the Rio Chili - definite highlights.
The spectacular landscape - volcanoes, canyons, river valleys, cloud forest, but it was the Peruvian mountains that were breathtaking in more ways than one!
Exploring historical Inca and Andean cultural sites
Travelling with a group and sharing the journey with friends
The downside - on reflection, health issues certainly took their toll. I was frustrated that I was in Struggletown for some of the trip and I was conscious that I was not always a happy camper or travelling companion. I regret I was not able to enjoy some of the holiday because of this!

On the upside - I am looking forward to returning to Peru - I have some unfinished business.....

If I have to choose 4 of my favourite photos of the trip, here are my "Frank Hurley's"

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