Saturday 15 June 2013

Last Day in Arequipa

Spent the day strolling around the city streets. Lots of shops to look through ranging from cheap souvenir shops to expensive boutiques. Jack was very patient and spent the whole day browsing with me.
After lunch Jack sampled the local helados (icecream) and we sat on the steps of the cathedral to people watch. Dinner at same restaurant as last night. After dinner we walked down to the Plaza to view the cathedral by night.
Plaza De Armas

Impressive cloisters

In Perus, fountains dominate the centre of all of the Plazas

Cathedral by day.

The Cathedral is the only one in Peru which stretches the length of a plaza

All packed up and ready to start the next leg of our adventure. Love Arequipa. Nice clean city with friendly people, felt very safe.
Now feeling 100% and raring to go! Next stop, the Colca Valley and Canyon. Bring it on!

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