Wednesday 19 June 2013

Rest Day? To the Waterfall and beyond......

Decided to do a short hike this morning with Simon and Andrew to the pre-inca ruins of Oyu Oyu.
They are located not far from the lodge, just up the road.
The ruins have been partly restored but there are some which are untouched and in original condition. Quite an extensive area. 
Oyu Oyu site in foreground with the town of Yanque in the distance

We explored them for 20 mins and then headed up into the hills to a well known waterfall , the source of which is El Mismi, the same mountain from where the source of the Amazon is. From the track, there are only limited views, so we decided to bush bash up to get a better vantage spot. This was difficult as the hill was very steep and had a lot of loose gravel and stone. We clambered up and got a great view, not only of the waterfall, but of the valley below.
What a climb, but what a view!

Having detoured already, we ditched the original walk plan and continued around the contours of this mountain and picked up a trail.We headed westwards, keeping the town of Yanque below in our sights. We really wanted to climb to a higher spot, so we bush bashed a little more to a false summit which had a old pre-inca wall. We sheltered there out of the cold wind for a snack and drink stop. Simon's altimeter was showing 3880m.Magnificent views. Not enough time to head any higher! 


At 4000m and loving it!

After photos were taken, we then descended, homeward bound. So much for a gentle 2 hour walk, 3.5 hours instead!! Great hike to stretch the legs after yesterday's excursion!
The afternoon was spent in the hot springs at the lodge followed by cards in the bar area- a new card game taught to the Camerons by an Irishman at their hotel in Pinchollo several nights before. 
Buffet dinner and bed!

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