Saturday 15 June 2013


Lingering after-effects of The Curse today. Slept in.
Sightseeing today. Visted the Museo Santury. It houses the famous Ice Mummy - Juanita. A guided tour included a video of how Juanita was found in 1995. There are many exhibits of Inca offerings found with the mummified remains culminating with a display of a mummifed girl, Sarita. Juanita is not on display from November to April, but housed in a nearby university where there is research being done to determine her genealogy, and other things. 
Architecture ranges from.....

Colonial Spanish influenced to.....

Ornate, native styles

Cobblestoned streets in the White City

Spent the afternoon chilling at the hotel, still in delicate recovery mode. 
En-route to dinner, stopped for a look at some of the Artesenias markets near San Francisco church. Methinks there will be a visit there tomorrow to purchase some local wares.
Dinner at a restaurant in a laneway just behind the Cathedral.  Jack, Jenny and Andrew ordered the alpaca steaks!

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