Thursday 20 June 2013

The Secret Ruins of Chimpa

Hatched a plan last night with the Camerons to do a half day hike to some lesser-known, rarely visited ruins off the tourist trail.
One of their guides from Colca Trek had told them about the ruins which were located about 8 km from Madrigal. Our tour guide agreed to drive us there and provide a local guide. The Camerons organised a second vehicle and we left at 6.30 am. We travelled through Lari and arrived at Madrigal at 8.15 where we picked up the local guide and bundled ourselves into one vehicle and travelled out to the trailhead.

Cathedral at Madrigal
The trailhead

Mountain stream
Onwards and upwards.....
Icy cold snow melt waters - trust me!
 No time to warm up, the trail headed uphill steadily, so much so that I started to feel a little exercise-induced asthma come on. After stopping for some puffs of the inhaler, I continued on without any further trouble, albeit slower than the rest. I have found that at altitude that I can walk without too much huffing and puffing if I just slow down my normal walking pace at a slow but steady rhythm - the Peruvian Plod. We stopped several times at lookouts and reached the top after 90 mins. Sublime views from the lookout where the canyon ends and the river valley begins. The ruins were pre-Inca and in good original condition.

Great views on the way up
The ruins come into view
We had to climb the narrow staircase to the lookout
But the views were worth it

Magnificent canyon - double the depth of the Grand Canyon USA and second deepest canyon in the world

Looking south across the canyon with town of Pinchollo on the left
The Cameron brothers
This site is rarely visited, but should definitely be put on the tourist trail. Our tour guide had heard of the ruins but this was his first visit and he was anxious to report back to the tour operator about how impressed he was. We spent about 30 mins up at the summit before descending.

Queen Victoria sitting on her throne!

With the peasants worshipping at her feet!
After returning to the lodge, Jack had ice-cream lunch for the second day running and we had another dip in the hot springs. Jack then went to the day spa, having booked himself in for a Swedish massage. Something got lost in translation and he ended up having a energising and revitalising leg massage, which actually helped his sore knee.
A few rounds of cards followed by dinner and then more cards, then bed.

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