Saturday 29 June 2013

The Sacred Valley

Travelled through the Sacred valley enroute to Ollantaytambo.
We stopped at small village, Corao where there was a small market. Our guide assured us that the goods were locally made so we walked through and found a knitted hat for jack in the shape of a llama head (which was to become infamous) and I bought myself a beautiful jumper made from baby alpaca wool

We drove on to Pisac where we stopped briefly. We sampled a chicken pasty (empananda) straight out of the bakers wood oven and were shown through a jewellery shop next door where the jeweller was making silver ornaments and cutting gemstones. No purchases made in this store. 
The markets looked the same, but different?! and we cut our visit short to move on.
After reaching Urubamba (principal town in the Sacred Valley), we headed into the mountains and visited the town of Chinchero (3762m). Here, there were extensive Inca ruins there which we toured. We also visited the local weavers inc. and watched the women at work. These women contributed work to the Textile Museum we had visited in Cusco, but it was wonderful to see them in action, especially the older "grandmothers" handing down their knowledge and skills to the younger women of the community.

Sacred Valley
Enroute to Chinchero

We had a late lunch at a classy restaurant at Urubamba, overlooking the river. It was buffet style, so naturally Jack partook of all of the desserts on offer. I sampled quinoa soup, quinoa salads, Rocotto Relleno and some alpaca carpaccio.Absolutely delicious!
Our destination for the day, Ollantaytambo, was only a short drive from the lunch spot and we checked in to the Hotel Pakiratampu. Lovely room over looking gardens with a huge kingside bed and bathtub and suurounded by mountains!
Played cards with the Camerons. The hat Jack had purchased earlier that day became the "prize" for the person who lost three consecutive rounds of cards and the card game became known as Llama Head!!!
Not much to eat for dinner after such a big lunch....

Who's the Llama Head?

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