Sunday 20 September 2015

Only boots find the sublime! - Namche

Today I went for a walk......

Actually, today I had the runs......
Not sure if it was food related, altitude related or a combination of both, but I did started feeling unwell last night! I was hoping it was not going to be an encore performance of my time in Peru.....
Time to soldier on.....

Today was a "rest" day for acclimatization. The golden rule of hiking at altitude is to "walk high and sleep low". So today we were off for a 3 hour hike for some training. Ram suggested another early start to take advantage of the clear mornings for mountain views. Breakfast (dry toast) was at 6.30 and we were walking by 7.15. We walked through the village of Namche up to the Everest Museum where there were great views looking back to the valley we had walked along the day before, and then to the north and northeast, of Lhotse (8414m) and Ama Dablam (6856m). Absolutely breathtaking! Unfortunately, Everest was shrouded in clouds.

We continued ascending towards our morning tea stop, the Everest View Hotel, touted to be the "highest hotel in the world" at 3880 metres.
Feeling a little below par, we stopped for morning tea. We sat and waited patiently for an hour for the views to emerge from behind the clouds, which didn't eventuate. That's the way it is in the mountains - sometimes you see them, sometimes you don't.

Everest View Hotel
We took a different track back down to Namche completing a 180 degree circuit of the town.
With the acclimatisation walk done and dusted, I spent the rest of the day resting, managing to eat only small amounts of garlic soup, the sherpa's top recommendation for altitude-related sickness.
Debated whether we would continue on tomorrow or have another rest day. Only time will tell.

Our salubrious accommodation - The Nest at Namche.
Our room was in the loft, with "lofty" mountain views

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