Friday 16 June 2017

Of highlands and heartlines - Running Brook to Lake Ohma

Today was one of my favourite days on the trail
I called today - the Rhododendron Trail.

Sunbeams through the canopy


Normally just a trickle, yesterday's rain had swollen the "running brook". 
We clambered out of the gully via a very slippery path. Thank goodness for the track work the boys had done the previous afternoon, otherwise it would have been treacherous on the muddy slippery slopes. 

After about an hour, we stopped a clearing. McGregor's Lookout had great views looking down the Yodda Valley which was blanketed in low cloud, and vistas of the mountain peaks rising above it.

Yesterday's downpour had dislodged many of the flowers from the rhododendron bushes. Crimson red hues dominated but there were splashes of buttercup yellow and tangerine orange as well. I imagined I was Little Red Riding Hood following a trail of red petals (instead of breadcrumbs). It was as though someone had gone ahead of us and sprinkled the blooms along the path to show us the way. 
Very pretty trail markers indeed.

Lunch break was taken in the mossy forest. 

The canopy was thinning out and we reached the grasslands. 
I spied the first cycad. 
I could not believe the size of it, so had to get a photograph of it just to prove it!

The first cycad

The boys, amused by my cycad sighting

We continued on, the trail alternating through grasslands and forest. 
Even in the middle of the day, dew clung to spider webs in the grass.  
We were treated to views across to Dixon Pass, where we would be camping in 3 days time.  

Winter Heights came into view a little farther along and just prior to a short descent to a glacial lake, a spectacular view of the English Peaks. 

By now, the group had splintered and some of the porters were lagging behind. It had been a long day, and we made it to Lake Ohma at around 4.45pm.

The afternoon sun made for a spectacular setting as camp was set up. Simon had to head back along the track to find the other porters. 

Unfortunately, my porter was not in the lead group, so I went exploring around the lake while I waited for my change of clothes to arrive. 
I was keen to have a swim in the lake, but unfortunately I missed the chance as it was 45 mins before the stragglers arrived, the sun was setting and the temperature already dropping away. 

Too cold for a swim, I was very disappointed.

We were now 1 day ahead of the 2016 schedule at 3500m, an altitude we would maintain for the next 6 days. 
Not much firewood and hard to keep a fire going again, we retreated to bed by 9pm.
However I was up several times overnight with a grumbling tummy.......

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