Thursday 22 June 2017

Of highlands and heartlines - Paradise Camp to Camp Deliverance

A short 2 hour walk today to Camp Deliverance, descending only 400 metres with tonight's camp being our last above 3000 metres.

Copeland tending the fire

Jerry and Andy


We spent a relaxing afternoon around a massive fire, contemplating our journey. 
The campsite afforded great views of Mt Victoria, her eastern flanks and Mt Huxley. 
Knowing we had traversed that ridge line yesterday left me awe-struck and the realization of such an amazing achievement was setting in. 

Mt Huxley

The Mt Victoria ridge line 

The boys enjoying a well earned rest

Ian (Bear Grylls) sampling the local insect cuisine

Today, I was at peace with myself. 
I wanted to savour the experience knowing there were only 2 more days left on the trail. 

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